Sunday, March 13, 2005


Bamboozlepalooza Follies

The exchange:

THE PRESIDENT: Let me ask you something about the Thrift Savings Plan. This is a Thrift Savings Plan that has a mix of stocks and bonds?

MS. WEBSTER: Yes, sir.

THE PRESIDENT: Now, how hard was that to learn how to do that?

MS. WEBSTER: And I chose the safe plan, government bonds. (Laughter.)

THE PRESIDENT: That's all right. Well, not so safe, unless we fix the deficit. But other than that -- (laughter). We're fixing the deficit. (Applause.)

-Atrios 1:28 PM

The above blog post was taken from weblog.

"THE PRESIDENT" isn't really a President, but he plays one on TV.
heh! I kid, I kid.
Yes, the quotes here are really THEE President speaking.

Notice what our illustrious leader said about the fiscal stability of our country in the above exchange on the Bamboozlepalooza Tour. US Treasury Bonds are, by law, backed by the "full faith and credit of the United States of America." They are the safest investment tool on the face of the earth. In the above exchange, Bush told one of his fawning fans that government bonds are "not so safe."

Damn. Warm fuzzies to our international creditors.

Amazing. And people really voted for Bush?

All philosophical and political differences aside, did anybody really intend to mandate running our country into the ground when they voted for this guy last Nov.?

But wait! There's more!
In the next breath, Bush says, "We're fixing the deficit."


The deficit will continue to climb if Bush's 2006 Budget passes. That's according to the Congressional Budget Office. Seems Bush forgot to put costs for Iraq or Afghanistan into his budget projections. He also forgot to factor in his "Aid to Families with Ginormous Wealth" programs (tax cuts) that are supposed to go into effect or go permanent in the next five years.

Let's not even consider the fact that putting this grand plan for private accounts into effect will cost us, our kids, and our grandkids an additional 2TRILLION buckaroos, PLUS driving Social Security to insolvency years sooner than if we left it alone.

Now, I'm no Nobel Prize winner, but that don't sound much like anything's gettin' fixed to me.

Two words, boys and girls - Bamboozle ... palooza.

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