Monday, March 14, 2005

Email sent to local TV news


Still wondering if anyone out there really gives a big rat's behind about our country. This will be my third email to you on the broad issues of democracy, ethics and balance in the House of Representatives.

Washington Republicans have made a few new rules:
1) "Fair" is for losers.
2) There are no rules.
3) "All your base are belong to us."
4) There are no rules.
5) It is now perfectly moral to throw the least among us to the wolves.
6) There are no rules.

Best Regards,
Leslie H, City, St phone number

First Reference:
Report from House Rules Committe Minority Office:
"In the 108th Congress, House Republicans became the most arrogant, unethical and corrupt majority in modern Congressional history."

Second Reference:
Warning: Ethics-Free Zone Monday, March 14, 2005; Page A18

THIS MAY NOT sound like news, but the House of Representatives is now an ethics-free zone. To be precise, it has no mechanism for investigating or disciplining members who violate ethics rules. The proximate cause of this breakdown is the revolt by the five Democrats on the evenly divided ethics committee. Led by the ranking Democrat, Rep. Alan B. Mollohan (W.Va.), committee Democrats understandably balked last week at acceding to new rules for how the panel should conduct its business -- rules dictated by the GOP leadership and slanted toward making the ethics process, already tilted in favor of gridlock, even more feckless.

The full Editorial:

Third Reference:
"Not to know what happened before one was born is to remain forever a child." - Cicero

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